I've seen a ton of blog posts and articles regarding the unhip situation that is parents friending their kids on Facebook. It's all backwards. The truly socially tragic situation is when your kids friend YOU on Facebook.
Recently, I caught my 11 year old daughter saying to her 12 year old brother, "Stop being a douchebag!"
I was stunned. Naturally, I reprimanded, "Don't say that!"
The retort: "You said it on your Facebook page."
And the follow up: "What is a douchebag anyway?"
Crap. My daughter doesn't check her page everyday, but she just *happened* to catch a day where I updated with a particularly passive aggressive status. I was mad at someone who keeps, well, being a douchebag to his employees. I couldn't say their name because I didn't want to get my friend fired. (No, friend is not code for myself. Not in this case, anyway.)
So, kids, quite your whining about your parents being able to see your Facebook profile. Maybe, just maybe - we don't want you reading ours, either.
Creative Commons image by escapedtowisconsin