If you've visited Facebook in the past two days, you may have noticed your friends posting a color as their status.
A meme is going around encouraging women to post the color of the bra they're wearing. Supposedly, it's designed to raise breast cancer awareness.
But many are thinking it's the color of your underwear. And they have no idea why it's being posted. So now you have dudes posting funny updates about their undies or lack thereof.
Many who have learned what the original meme is about have suggested boxer color updates for men and prostate cancer awareness.
I'm a thyroid cancer survivor - so I say post the color of your scarf. (Actually, it *is* thyroid awareness month. So, do please check your neck.)
The bra color meme seems to have its roots in the Detroit area. But there's no real "control" to this viral campaign. Unfortunately, though this began with good intentions, it's reminiscent of what ultimately drove people away from MySpace.
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