2009年12月23日 星期三

Happy Holidays to all from Search Engine Watch, ClickZ and SES.

Dear friends and colleagues, we'd like to take this opportunity on behalf of everyone at Incisive Media's New York office to wish you the very best during the holidays. And we hope 2010 is going to be productive, profitable and peaceful for you.


The team here is responsible for the day-to-day running of Search Engine Watch, ClickZ and the SES international series of conferences. And we know that everyone will be happy to join us in saying a big thank you to our many thousands of subscribers and conference attendees for your fabulous support during 2009.

And a big thank you also goes out to the leading experts who blog, write and speak for us at our conferences. Far too many to mention by name, but be sure we appreciate the fantastic gift of online marketing knowledge you share with everyone.

As we roll into the next decade there are many exciting changes and new innovations taking place for Search Engine Watch, ClickZ and SES. So I should also take the opportunity to thank our first class and tireless team in New York (and external team members) for the huge amount of work going on in the background to make 2010 the milestone year it's bound to be.

Once again, we wish you the very best and hope you have a wonderful time this holiday season.


Matt McGowan & Mike Grehan on behalf of the New York team.
