2009年12月30日 星期三

Person of the Decade?!

A picture named tramp.jpgYou aren't going to believe this.

Slate's culture podcast chose three people as Person of the Decade and they were: George W. Bush, Paris Hilton and Dave Winer.

It's the weirdest thing.

They said my name and no one said Who dat?

I don't think it was a joke.

And it was for a good thing, podcasting -- and they're right about how nice it is to have all those great podcasts to listen to.

I didn't make a dime off podcasting, but in a more important way I did get rich from it. There's an incredible wealth of great stuff to listen to. It really took off, and it's something I'm really proud of.

Here's the full MP3. The segment starts around minute 27.

And here's the 3.5 minute excerpt where they talk about the Person of the Decade.
