2009年12月21日 星期一

Does the Sound of Your Voice Impact Conversions?

I am not asking about high pitched or loud voices, but about the sound of a demo video voiceover.

People often use professional talent to record the script for a demo video. These voiceovers can add credibility and using the right voice can even increase attention and engagement with the demo. However, video optimization firm EyeView Digital asked and answered another question for their client Ginger Software.

Does the accent of the voiceover matter? Would a British accent or American accent improve or hinder the conversion rate?

Ginger Software markets a product aimed at improving your written English. It identifies spelling and grammar errors and is particularly useful for students, people with learning difficulties, such as dyslexia, and business people for whom English is a second language.

EveView Voiceover Accent ResultsThey A/B tested the voiced over demo video globally, one using an American accent and one using a British accent. The goal was to get more people to download the software.

Overwhelmingly, the British accent improved conversions everywhere (globally around 4% increase) except in the UK and India where an American accent improved conversions.

Does this mean you should swap out the voiceovers on your website for a British accent? That depends, but it sure does mean you should test it.
