and SEMPO are releasing the results of a survey about underutilized online marketing technologies. The survey was conducted in August and apparently some of you marketers out there are itching for a chance to remarket your products. Remarketing, also known as retargeting, topped the list of most under-utilized marketing technologies. Here's what else made the list:
- Remarketing/Retargeting - 46.3%
- Geo-targeting - 18.3%
- Traffic source optimization-15.9%
- Keyword targeting - 13.4%
- Other - 3.7%
- Category targeting - 2.4%
And it looks like most of your desires for remarketing are going unrequited. When asked if remarketing had been tried with online advertising, this is what happened:
- No - 69.5 percent
- Yes - 30.5 percent
The nays should take a page out of the playbook of the yays. 51% of those who have tried remarketing in online advertising said it was impactful.
"We're interested in taking a closer look at why Remarketing is underutilized," Daniel Yomtobian, founder and CEO of "We know that retargeting can boost ad response up to 400 percent so it's definitely something online advertisers need to stay informed about and use more strategically."
Remarketing wasn't the only focus of the survey. Here are a few additional data tidbits:
Best ROI in Online Advertising:
- Search - 70.7%
- Cost-per-action (CPA) - 14.6%
- Email - 6.1%
- Social - 3.7%
- Other - 2.4%
On utilizing CPA in online ad strategy:
- To drive sales leads - 52.4%
- To drive traffic to a site - 13.4%
- To drive brand awareness - 6.1%
- Other - 1.2%
- Do not utilize CPA in online advertising strategy - 26.8 percent